Elder Care Demands: Will Your Aging Parent Require You to Reverse Roles?
Your mom tied your shoes when you couldn’t. Your dad cleaned the pool so that you had somewhere to stay cool on summer’s hottest days. They both kept you fed, took you to appointments or practices, and read your bedtime story each night. As your mom and dad age, you might find yourself switching roles.

Home Care Services Bellevue WA – Elder Care Demands: Will Your Aging Parent Require You to Reverse Roles?
Your mom’s arthritis may keep her from being able to tie her shoes, zip her jacket, or brush her hair. Your dad’s balance is off, so he can’t maintain the yard like he used to. Your mom’s vision is not the same so she struggles to read her mail. Neither parent can drive, so they need others to take them shopping, to appointments, or to social events.
Swapping roles with your parent is hard. Becoming the parental figure to parents who want their freedom is stressful, but it’s also important. Here are three tips to help you take on a parental role with your aging parent.
#1 – Be Prepared for Challenges – Your mom or dad will often argue and fight when there’s a task to be done. It’s not much different than dealing with a moody teenager. Whether it’s “I take too many pills” or “I refuse to let you babysit me when I go on a walk,” you’re going to be on the receiving end. You have to have patience and develop a thick skin.
#2 – Take Breaks – Being a family caregiver is one of the more stressful jobs. You don’t get paid for hours upon hours of hard work. Be sure you’re taking breaks. Have a home care services professional take over for a few hours while you go to the movies or enjoy an afternoon with friends.
#3 – Get Ready to Be Pushy – On appointment days, you might find your mom or dad delaying your timely departure. Your mom’s lost her purse. Your dad can’t find his wallet. You need to have a backup plan for situations like this. One of the best is to tell your parent that you need to leave 30 minutes before you actually have to leave. If that doesn’t work, you may have to simply push your parent out the door without personal items. Sometimes, it’s the only way you’ll get to leave on time.
Don’t dismiss caregivers. A home care services provider can help you balance your personal time with your parent’s care. You’ll have a trained professional for support and guidance. Plus, on days that you cannot help your mom out, there’s someone else your parent trusts available. Call our home care services agency to find out more about the pricing and services.
If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care Services in Bellevue WA, contact the caring staff at Hospitality Home Care today. Call us at (206) 966-6552.
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