How Caregivers can Stay Physically and Emotionally Healthy

Home Care Shoreline WA

Home Care Shoreline WAThe hours that most caregivers have to work extends past the typical 9-to-5 workday. They are usually required to be available around-the-clock in case the elderly adult is in need of  home care or assistance. With all of the time and energy needed to make sure your loved one stays healthy, it can be easy to forget to care for themselves. Yet, in order to hold on to your physical health, not to mention your sanity, here are some tips that will help.

Get plenty of exercise. Getting at least 15 minutes of exercise a day releases endorphins that will help relieve you of stress and leave you feeling good. It can also improve your mood. Aerobics, walking, yoga, and strength training are all excellent exercise options.

Breathe in the fresh air. If possible, go for a quick walk or simply just stand outside for a few minutes in order to breathe in the fresh air. This is a great way to feel renewed without taking up too much of your time.

Make healthy eating choices. The foods and drinks you put into your body can make a huge impact in how you feel. Try to eat plenty of fruits and veggies, while also drinking between 6 and 8 glasses of water each day. A multivitamin should also be taken in order to supplement any vitamins and minerals you may be lacking from your meals.

Rest well. Getting between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night is critical for your emotional well-being and immune health. If you are feeling shortchanged in the sleep department, take a nap whenever possible during the day.

Get a massage. If the daily stresses of caregiving is wearing on you, causing you to feel aches and pains throughout your body, treat yourself to a massage. This is a great way to work out all of the kinks and take some time to focus on yourself for a change.

Meditate or pray. Find a quiet spot in your home to meditate or pray for about 15 minutes. Try to clear your mind and just enjoy the peace that surrounds you.

Use respite care. With respite care, a trained and experienced senior home care provider will take care of your elderly parent, while you get a much-needed break. This caregiver will give you the opportunity to enjoy a “mini vacation,” even if you are just spending it at home.

With these tips, caregiving can be a rewarding experience instead of a stressful one.


If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care Services in Shoreline WA, contact the caring staff at Hospitality Home Care today. Call us at (206) 966-6552.